24901 E. Salmon River Rd.
Welches, Oregon 97067
It is the policy of the Oregon Trail School Board that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, national origin, age or disability in any educational programs, activities or employment.
Contacts: Rachael George, Title II Coordinator
Kim Ball, Title III Coordinator
Katie Schweitzer, Secondary IEP and 504 Coordinator
To All Students: Welcome to Welches Middle School! We are excited that you are going to be a student here. We offer an instructional program that stresses academic achievement and growth through a variety of engaging classes. This curriculum guide has been prepared to assist you and your parents in planning your academic program. It should be helpful for you as you make your scheduling decisions.
To All Parents: Welches Middle School has developed a program that takes into consideration the transition from childhood to adolescence. In looking at the characteristics of middle-level students, we realize they are undergoing many intellectual, physical, social, and emotional changes at this time. Our program of instruction includes a specified program of required courses with elective options.
As a small community school, we pride ourselves on building strong relationships between students and staff. These relationships allow us to understand the interests and learning needs of our students. We strive to craft a variety of class options that meet those interests and academic needs over the course of 3 years of middle school, while also working within the realities of a small school setting. We hope this curriculum guide will help you assist your child in making decisions about classes for the upcoming years.
Welches School’s instructional program is primarily focused around the core subjects of Language Arts, Math, Science, Wellness and Social Studies. All students are expected to take required courses, which follow state-adopted curriculum, at each grade level. Students also choose elective courses to complete their individual schedules. The majority of our electives are offered as semester-long courses, rather than year-long. This increases the variety of classes students can take across their 3 years at WMS.
Please note, not all courses will be offered every year. Course offerings each semester are determined by a student Survey of Interest and staffing considerations. This is a list of electives that may be offered over a three-year period.
Creative and Performing Arts Electives
Opportunity Classes (selection-based)
Science and Engineering (CTE)
Health & Lifestyle
Steps to Success
To ensure the smoothest possible transition into middle school, students and parents should note these tips:
Families are encouraged to email or call teachers, our school counselor and administrator to ask questions or voice concerns. Please keep contact information updated with your school.
Using This Program Guide
This program guide contains information on course offerings and special programs. It has been prepared to help students and families plan their schedule.
Forecasting/Academic Planning
This guide is designed to provide students and parents with information about our programs, course offerings, middle school promotion and high school graduation requirements, as well as academic policies and procedures. Please study the Academic Program Guide carefully, keeping in mind your future educational and career goals. The forecasting process occurs in the Spring and students will share course interest for the fall and spring semesters.
Students are advised to plan ahead and forecast carefully. A significant amount of time and effort is devoted to giving students their first-choice or second-choice electives. The offering and staffing of elective courses will be dependent on the Student Survey of Interest during spring. It is very important that all students, with parent involvement, complete the forecasting process in a serious manner as schedule changes are extremely limited after the fall schedule is complete. The courses listed in the catalog are based on the information available at the publish date in spring of each year. While every effort is made, it is possible that students may get an elective that was not originally selected.
Schedule corrections will not be made for
Course changes will be made on a very limited basis, after receiving a student and parent request.
Preparing for High School
Students should consider how middle school coursework prepares them for high school courses, diploma requirements, and career and college pathways. The following page lists the requirements to graduate. The full high school course catalog may be viewed at: Sandy High School Academic Programming Guide 2023/2024.
A Sandy High School diploma is issued to all students who complete a minimum of 24 credits as described below:
Grade Breakdown
The following grading scale is in effect at all middle schools in the Oregon Trail School District;
A, B, C, D and F. Grades and GPAs will be determined on a percentage basis with:
A= 90 - 100%
B= 80 - 89%
C= 70 – 79%
D= 60 - 69%
F= 59-50%
How is your GPA (grade point average) determined? Each grade is worth points: A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, F = 0. Add up the points for all grades and divide by the number of classes taken. Grades on individual assignments are to be determined by each individual teacher. Please see each teacher’s syllabus for additional information on grading.
Honor Roll: The Honor Roll is a distinction reserved for students with a grade point average between a 3.0 and 4.0. Students with a GPA of 3.00-3.49 will be placed on the “B” Honor Roll, and those with a 3.5 to 3.9 GPA will be placed on the “A” Honor Roll. Students earning a 4.0 will be placed on the Principal’s Honor Roll. No student may be on the honor roll with an incomplete grade.
Gold Presidential Awards: Students receiving an exceptional cumulative G.P.A. over the course of the three years of middle school will receive a certificate and recognition at the 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony.
Silver Presidential Awards: Each year, at the end of the year, staff nominate 8th grade students who exemplify growth, improvement and overcoming personal challenges. They are recognized at the 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony.
Monthly Teacher Awards: Each of our content area teachers will select students to receive these honors each month. This award is for students that have shown subject-area expertise, faced adversity and overcome it or have demonstrated a tremendous amount of growth in the areas of academics, attitude, and behavior.
Student of Merit: Each month, school staff nominate students who show academic achievement, growth, maturity or other meritorious traits. They are nominated for recognition, and their picture goes in The Mountain Times.
Please note, not all courses will be offered every year. Course offerings each semester are determined by a student Survey of Interest and staffing considerations. This is a list of electives that may be offered over a three-year period.
Creative and Performing Arts Electives
Opportunity Classes (selection-based)
Science and Engineering (CTE)
Health & Lifestyle
Course Length: Quarters 1 & 2 OR Quarters 3 & 4
Open to: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
In this class, students will explore a range of visual arts in a fun and relaxed setting. Students will be supported to develop a basic understanding of art forms and structure, including shape and color. They will have a chance to grow their own skills in drawing, painting and design.
Course Length: Quarters 1 & 2 OR Quarters 3 & 4
Open to: 6th, 7th & 8th grade students
Learn basic elements of acting and theatre, including improvisation, skits, and scripted plays. Students will have the opportunity to direct and perform a one-act play at the end of the semester.
Course Length: Quarters 1 & 2
Open to: 6th, 7th & 8th grade students
If you’re curious about making music, this is a great class for you! You will explore different ways of making music - with instruments, drumming, ukulele and singing. Play all the different instruments, including trumpet, trombone, saxophone, clarinet, flute and percussion. Learn about creative percussion options, like bucket drumming or drumlines. Students will also sing and learn the basics of reading music.
Course Length: Semester
Open to: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students with no prior instrument experience
Beginning Band is a fun and creative way to build skills in playing instruments. This is a great class for students who are interested in reading & making music using instruments. For students who enjoyed playing the recorder in elementary school, this course is a wonderful option to build on their skills. Instrument choices are: flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, and percussion (drums and mallets). If you would like to start on a different woodwind or brass instrument, such as oboe, French horn, tenor saxophone, please check with the teacher first.
Course Length: Year
Open to: 7th and 8th grade students with previous band/music experience
This course is for students who were in Beginning Band last year, or who have prior instrumental experience. It will be a continuation of students’ understanding of instrumental music, reading music and making music using a variety of instruments. This course is primarily open for 7th & 8th grade students, and will give a variety of ways for students to continue their music development. This is a yearlong course.
Course Length: Quarters 1 & 2 OR Quarters 3 & 4
Open to: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
An exploration of great novels, films, and short stories (classics and popular fiction). Students will immerse themselves with the characters, storylines, setting, and time period. Students will interact with these stories by reading, watching films, creating arts and crafts that relate to the story, as well as developing their own writing style and skills. Students will also have an opportunity to dive into the realm of theater production by reading, performing, and analyzing theater productions.
Course Length: Quarters 1 & 2 OR Quarters 3 & 4
Open to: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
Students will delve into the realm of myths, legends, and folklore through this elective class. Students will learn to identify differences between Myths and Legends while learning about the fascinating stories that have been shared throughout the centuries. Students will have an opportunity to read, create art, write creatively, and conduct trial case studies on fairytale characters when we burrow into the land of folklore.
Course Length: Quarters 1 & 2 OR Quarters 3 & 4
Open to: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
Students will get to travel around the world in this course. With the use of interactive websites, articles and videos, students will learn about geography, current events, culture, civics, and government. This elective will also incorporate elements of speech and debate.
Course Length: Quarters 1 & 2 OR Quarters 3 & 4
Open to: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
Students will express their creativity by developing their own comic world, including making their own characters, illustrations and story lines. They will then create their own comic book. This course incorporates art, humor and storytelling.
Enrollment for these courses are based on adult selection of students. Students either apply, request or are placed in these courses based on academic requirements.
Course Length: Year
Open to: 7th, and 8th grade students - Application process required
This course is available for 7th & 8th graders ONLY, and an application must be completed. Students will be selected based on responsible behavior and good academic standing. When students are selected for this course, they participate as Teacher Assistants, help with School Spirit activities, or build the Yearbook & Announcements. Students also collect recycling from classrooms, fundraise by redeeming bottles and cans, and lead community service projects throughout the year. These students become the leaders of our school, and act as peer mentors and positive role models in and out of the classroom.
Course Length: Semester or Year
Open to: 6th, 7th and 8th grade students
This class provides specially designed instruction and academic help for students needing support in Language Arts. It will serve students on an IEP, 504 or at parent request to receive additional help to succeed in Language Arts. Students may be placed in this course at the quarter or semester breaks based on need. This class focuses on reading fluency, accuracy, and comprehension skills. We also help students with organization skills.
Course Length: Semester or Year
Open to: 6th, 7th and 8th grade students
This class provides specially-designed instruction and academic help for students needing support in math. It will serve students on an IEP, 504 or at parent request to have additional help to succeed in math. Students may be placed in this course at the quarter or semester breaks based on need. This class focuses on a review of math concepts as well as grade level concepts. We also help students with organization skills.
Course Length: Year
Open to: English Language Learners in 6th, 7th and 8th grades
In this course, students in the English Language Learners program will work on mastering Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing in English. They will stay in this required course for the full year.
(Career and Technical Education - CTE)
Course Length: Quarters 1 & 2 OR Quarters 3 & 4
Open to: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
Students will learn about the great outdoors. Units will cover Botany (plants), Zoology (animals), Ecology, Agriculture, Wildlife management (Forest, Rivers, Fire), Natural Resources, Orienteering and Survival Skills. This class involves hands-on activity, projects and going outside.
Course Length: Quarters 1 & 2 OR Quarters 3 & 4
Open to: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
Students will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on science experiments (Chemical Reactions, Plant Experiments, Thermal Energy). Students will work collaboratively as a team as they learn the scientific inquiry process. This course will also integrate technology and math with the use of computers, coding, and data analysis.
Course Length: Quarters 1 & 2 OR Quarters 3 & 4
Open to: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
Students will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on engineering projects (Bridges, Catapults, Ramps, Boats). This course will focus on students working collaboratively with a team as they learn the steps of the engineering design process. This course will also introduce students to basic engineering principles, documentation, teamwork, data collection and analysis, basic programming and problem solving strategies.
Length: Quarters 1 & 2 OR Quarters 3 & 4
Open to: 6th, 7th and 8th grade students
Students will learn the basics of digital language through coding. They will explore technology through basic coding practices with instruction while using the Code Monkey program.
Length: Quarters 1 & 2 OR Quarters 3 & 4
Open to: 6th, 7th and 8th grade students
Make designs that you can live in. Students will use their math, art, measurement and design skills to create plans that they will use to build 2D and 3D architectural models. Structures may include theme parks, escape rooms, homes and tree houses.
Elective Courses: Health & Lifestyle
Course Length: Quarters 1 & 2 OR Quarters 3 & 4
Open to: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
This class will focus on cardiovascular fitness and flexibility. On yoga days, students will report to our yoga studio to practice gentle movement sequences, yoga postures, and breathing techniques to promote flexibility and relaxation. On running days, students will train indoors and outdoors by participating in running, jogging, and walking activities to improve and condition their physical fitness.
Course Length: Quarters 1 & 2 OR Quarters 3 & 4
Open to: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
This class will be active. Students will learn and play a variety of creative, physical games. They will try new strategies, compete with teams, utilize a range of sports equipment and use their body to stay fit and have fun.
Course Length: Quarters 1 & 2 OR Quarters 3 & 4
Open to: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
Students will learn about the dynamic world of sports. Units will cover sports history, legends, stats and world records. They will look at sports marketing, broadcasting, sponsorships and endorsements. Students will apply the principles of branding, merchandising, promotion, concessions, and human relations. Make your own fantasy sports teams. Learn about the players and statistics for different sports, and the strategy involved in fantasy sports leagues.
Course Length: Quarters 1 & 2 OR Quarters 3 & 4
Open to: 6th, 7th and 8th grade students
This class provides foundations of economics for middle school. This class will dive into the nuts and bolts of personal finance, like saving & budgeting your money and understanding credit & debt. It will also review advertising, investing, taxes, insurance and identity theft. Students will learn about the skills needed to be able to survive on their own. They will choose a job based on their interests, find a place to live, research who they will be working for, and explore how they will get back and forth from work. They will also make a plan on how they will spend their paycheck each month.
Course Length: Quarters 1 & 2 OR Quarters 3 & 4
Open to: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
Learn a wide variety of strategic games, including board, tabletop and roleplaying. Learn how to play new games, and how to use strategic thinking & collaboration to have fun. Students will develop, design and create their own games, then have a chance to play!